Thursday, November 20, 2014

Glowing Winter Sky

It's another snowy day and we have almost 8" (20.32cm) of snow on the ground with more coming down and no end in sight.

After doing the barn chores I thought I would like to paint in acrylic today, especially since last night I had found other paintings that were almost finished and decided to complete this painting.

On the left side of the painting there were the a number of birch tree trunks that were indicated in white and needed to be completed by putting on the shadows and the markings.

With a mix of ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and alizarin crimson I put the markings on the closest tree and added the dark limbs and branches. I added a small amount of titanium white and did the same on the two further back birch trees. 

Lastly, using various mixtures of burnt sienna, raw sienna and Hansa yellow I put in the grasses, growies and twigs sticking up out of the snow. 

This original 16" x 20" acrylic painting when framed will be available for $375.00.