I started with the sky and put in small areas of French ultramarine blue and then I added a little burnt sienna and put in shadows into the clouds.

I left the bottom area of the painting white for snow; it was at this point that I decided to change the name of this painting from Tree 3 to Chance of Snow 1.
I set this painting down to dry and pulled out a second painting.
Using French ultramarine blue I put in the sky leaving some areas white for the clouds and used the same shadow mix for the clouds as I did in the last painting.

I brushed in a mix of raw sienna and burnt sienna for the foreground leaving an area of white paper at the base of the trees.
I changed this painting's name as well, from Trees 4 to Late Fall 1 as the foreground colors reminded me of wheat fields after the grain and straw had been taken off.
I will post each of these paintings at a later date once they have been completed.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and look at the artwork. I hope you will return often.