Pacer 3
They have drastically cut back on the number of race dates at the track from 95 races in 2012 to 20 in 2013 when the track almost closed to 18 days in 2014 and now 21 days for this year. It is just sad that the government is trying to destroy a local industry that supported so many people.

Pacer 2
I was able to get three sketches of the Standardbreds doing their warm up and training miles prior to their actual races.
All of them are of pacers as there are usually only two trotting races on the card compared to the eight races for pacers.

Pacer 1
When I develop the sketches into outline drawings I will post them again at a later date.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.
Today I am on my way to the Knoepfli Inn located at 5484 Highway 124, Magnetawan, Ontario for a couple of days to paint with some of the KAGS Outdoor Painters' Group.