Lock 28 - Burleigh Falls offers a great boat launch and plenty of parking, making it easy to load the canoe from shore and go out and enjoy the day on the lake.
We went through the channel between the shore and Ruba Island. Once we were passing by Richards Island on our left and a large unnamed island on our right Ron started fishing and I worked on a sketch.

Lovesick Lake XIII
It wasn't long before Ron caught a Large Mouth Bass as we were near Taylors Island. We went around the unnamed island and stopped to have lunch.
Ron returned to his fishing and I started on a sketch of gulls relaxing on some rocks protruding from the lake.

Lovesick Lake XIV
Between Beaver Islands and Porter Island Ron caught another Bass and it was time to head back to the boat launch.
I will post each of these sketches as more work on them is completed.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and enjoy the artwork.