While waiting for the paint to dry cut a template from a piece of paper in a ragged shape. Place it onto the dry painting and holding it in place paint around it using various shades of green and add some blues and reds for interest. Once the background has been finished set aside the template and it can be used again.
Mix together raw sienna and alizarin crimson, with a touch of burnt sienna. Gradually paint in the petals on the flower to give them shape.
Add a little more burnt sienna to the mixture and paint the shadow of the trumpet. Using pure burnt sienna paint in the pistol, and add a little of the greens to indicate the stamen around it.

Using some of the green mixtures make two or three detailed leaves around the remaining yellow and peach shapes.
If you would like more information about OSWOA please go to my post on 12 March 2010.
Hibiscus is an original watercolour painting using Artist quality Winsor & Newton paint on 140lb. Arches 100% rag, acid free watercolour paper. It is available for $30.00 and sold unframed. SOLD