We are having a heat wave of sorts. It is 14F (-10C) and the wind is howling making the temperature feel more like -4F (-20C) and the snow is blowing and I have just returned from doing the barn chores.
It is time to put the kettle on for a hot cup of tea and get myself warm, then make some breakfast before I do some painting.
Yellow Sky 4

With it being such a cold and grey day I decided that I would like to brighten things up a little and used a limited palette of burnt sienna and raw sienna to paint morning skies.
But the nice thing with using these two colours in a sky is that they can also be used for sunsets as well, neither of which I will see today due to the cloud cover and snow storm.
Yellow Sky 5

I worked on all three paintings at the same time starting with a wash of pure raw sienna and then gradually adding burnt sienna into the sky creating interest.
I was going to finish these paintings today but I had a fire in the fireplace and a book to read that were calling my name. So I will post these paintings at a later date when they are completed.
Yellow Sky 6