The apple trees on the right side were masked out to protect the whites and the barn was covered with masking tape. Unfortunately, the masking tape did not stay taped down to the paper and allowed some of the sky colour to get onto the white of the barn. Just another thing to fix later.
The sky is Antwerp blue and alizarin crimson, the paint was allowed to mix on the paper.
The pasture grasses are various mixtures of Antwerp blue, French ultramarine blue and raw sienna. A soft wash of pure alizarin crimson was also applied in some areas.

The background trees and the shadowed leaves on the elm tree are a mixture of French ultramarine blue and raw sienna.
I will post this painting at a later date once more work on it has been completed.
Now I have to finish loading the car and head out to Kingston and set up my paintings at the Eastern Ontario Labrador Breeders Association 10th Anniversary Specialty Show held at the same site with the Limestone Kennel Club Dog Show. It should be an enjoyable weekend.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and enjoy the artwork. I hope you will return often.