Once all the paintings were bought into the building, we closed the door and decided what we would do first.
Norma chose to work on removing the lettering the previous exhibitor had rudely left stuck on the wall.
In the meantime, I brought the paintings from the main Gallery level up into the Annex, unwrapped them all and set the paintings out along the walls where I felt they should be hung.

Norma went back to scraping the lettering off the wall and I went and dragged out the ladder so we could reach the track to attach the chains.
Next, I brought out one of the large folding tables for the back wall and then went and got a small folding table for the opposite wall. Then, I gathered up the chains and hooks for the long brick wall and found the hammer and nails for all the other walls and panels.

On the one small wall by the entryway, I hung my name sign and the painting of Tom. For the small brick wall to the right, I decided I would hang the painting of Christine once we got all the chains hung on the long brick wall.

By then Norma had removed all the lettering. It was a hard and thankless task and I was glad she was willing to do it as I would not have had the patience, as I was already annoyed that the person was that inconsiderate. We then took a well deserved break and had lunch.

After lunch, I tried first to attach the chains to the rail up near the ceiling, but being short I could not reach the track so, I held the ladder and Norma had to go to the top to attach the chains.

I started by hanging the paintings on the chains, beginning with a grouping of black and white pieces, drawings in graphite pencil and sketches in pen and ink.

While Norma started at the back and used the hammer and nails to hang paintings on the wooden door at the back of the Annex.

I continued to work along the brick wall while Norma worked on the panelled wall opposite me hanging paintings.
About halfway along the walls, it was time to take a break.
While we looked at how the exhibit was coming together and decided if changes would need to be made.
We made a couple of changes and then continued working our way along our walls.

Once my wall was finished, I moved the long table into position below the window on the back wall, I covered it with a solid tablecloth first so the marks on the table wouldn't show through the lace tablecloth that I placed on top.

Next, I put the rack for shrink wrapped paintings in one corner and filled it with paintings. To complete the table I put a couple of easels with paintings on them and a couple of other free standing small paintings.

From there I set up the small folding table and set it below the paintings at the opposite end of the Annex and covered it with a tablecloth.

I put the two carved leather plates onto easels and decided it was enough and didn't want it looking cluttered.

Now that everything was hung and set up, we went around and cleaned glass, straightened all the paintings and made sure all the tags were with the correct paintings.

Put everything away, made sure all the lights were working, swept the floor, packed up all the containers and wrapping, loaded the car and locked up the galley and headed home.

If you have a chance please come out and enjoy the art exhibit.