We went to the start of the trails and after looking at the trail map decided to do the Beaver Meadow Trail first and where it connects with the Maple Canyon trail and follow that trail until it connects with the yellow markers of the Old Dog Trail that we did yesterday and follow it back to the beginning.

It was there we meet another person who was returning from the wetland. After I spoke to him about his camera, he let us know he had been taking photographs of a young male moose in the pond. We thanked him and continued.
It wasn't long before we once again entered the forest and the ground slowly began to get softer and more moist.

This continued until we came to the beaver pond, where there was a long elevated wooden walkway with the pond on both sides.
Unfortunately, there was no sign of the moose in the pond which was disappointing.
The one compensation was that as we started up the hill after crossing the walkway there were moose tracks in the mud at the side of the trail.

The nice thing about this trail was that there were different views of the pond on our left side, including coming close to the beaver lodge.

When we came to the Maple Canyon Trail, it lead us away from the pond and through a wonderful hardwood forest with many of the leaves on the trees in various stages of changing colour.

There were a number of places along this trail, that had wooden benches so you could sit and enjoy the views from the high points along the trail.

Eventually, we came to a point in the trail where we found the trail marker showing all three trail colours and followed it back to the start of the trail.

We decided to take a stroll down to the beach and once we arrived there, we took off our shoes and walked along the shore until the sun got lower in the sky. It was time to head back to the trailer.
While I made supper, Ron put the logs into the fire pit so we could enjoy our evening tea or coffee with a fire.

Tomorrow we will pack up and make our way back home.