I now have three flocks of snow buntings staying all day for the bird seed that I throw out every morning. It shows just how hard this winter is on all the birds and wildlife that have to fend for themselves.
Today I sat at the Kawartha Artists' Gallery and Studio for the new still life show called Motion in Stillness. The opening for this show is on Saturday from 1-4pm. You are welcome to come out and enjoy the show and meet many of the artists.

While at the Gallery I worked on this painting that I had started last month with the Lakefield Creative Arts Guild (see post on 12 January 2015).
First I lightly sketched in the trees on the horizon line the rocks of the shoreline and a couple of pine trees.
Next I painted in the water with raw sienna first and then added various mixtures of French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna with a small amount of alizarin crimson.
I will post this painting at a later date once more work on it has been completed.