Once again I was working in the lawn garden and clearing out the dried, old stalks from last year, removing any of the new weeds that are starting to show themselves and digging out the edging around the garden. It was a productive day and I have almost a third of the way flower bed completed.
I wanted to do work on a painting today, so I pulled out this little piece that was originally called Background 11 (see post on 22 December 2014) which was created by using leftover paint from an acrylic painting.

As I looked at it and turned it each way, I thought by turning it upside down that it looked like water rushing over partially submerged rocks.
I added more rocks into the water using various mixtures of burnt sienna, raw sienna, ultramarine blue and alizarin crimson. This was followed by adding the rushing water flowing over and around the rocks using titanium white, raw sienna and burnt sienna, cadmium yellow and ultramarine blue.
This original 5" x 7" acrylic painting is available unframed for $40.00.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.