I thought for a change I would draw some buildings set into a landscape, at the edge of a clearing or in a sheltered area at the edge of a forest.

Cabin Memories 2
For my first drawing I started by putting in a large building on the right side of the paper and then added a few large trees in behind.
It was at this point that I changed the building into an abandoned, run down building.
On the left side I put a fence in the distance as well as a fence that was falling down, running out from the left side of the building.

Cabin Memories 3
On my second drawing I put the building a little further back and on the right side of the paper and set it at the edge of a forest.
Next I put in a few birch trees on the left side of the drawing.
After looking at both drawings I thought it would be nice to have them both as night scenes and added a full moon into the sky on the left side.