I was looking through some of the sketches I did during the summer (see post on 02 August 2015) while canoeing on Lovesick Lake. I pulled this one out and decided to complete the pen and ink drawing.

What I liked about the tree was the fact that it was still fighting to keep its place on the small island that was no longer able to support it and I wouldn't be surprised when next time we go back to Lovesick Lake to find the tree either dead or having been broken by the harsh winter winds.
Once both trees had been completed I started on the smaller bushes at their base and which were a rich yellow green.
Next I put in the reflections and lastly I did the rocks at the edge of the water which were pale pink granite.
This original 3-1/4" x 9" pen and ink when matted and shrink wrapped will be available for $25.00.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.