Since I needed to take some time to rest and relax I thought I would like to work on a painting with lilacs and I pulled out this little paintings that I had started last year (see post on 26 May 2016) while with the KAGS Outdoor Painters' Group.
Using various mixtures of alizarin crimson, Antwerp blue and French ultramarine blue I added more lilacs around the shed.
While the paint was drying, I worked on the shed and erased the wheelbarrow which I will redraw in at a later time.

Next I mixed various greens of raw sienna, French ultramarine blue, Antwerp blue and new gamboge and I put in the leaves throughout the lilac bushes.
With burnt sienna and one of the greens I put in the facing boards on the shed and with a light mix of colour I put the tin roof on the shed.
Now it is time for me to have lunch before I go out to get my bouquet of lilacs.
Thank you for looking at my artwork.