I started on the larger section of the house, making changes to the buildings as I worked on the roof first and removed a section of the roof on the smaller part of the building and had it join to the back part of the building.
Next, I worked on the chimneys. I ran the first one down the front of the house and set the one on the front building into the back part of the roof and set the chimney on the smaller part of the building through the middle section of the roof.

From there I added more details to the roof on each of the buildings and then, added a couple of windows to the smaller section of the house and fixed the size and shape of the windows and the door on the larger part of the house.
Next, I added in the frames onto the windows and put in the details on the door and the steps.
From there I worked on the old tree at the side of the house and added a tire swing to the lower main branch.
Lastly, I put in the horizon line in the background and indicated the grasses around the base of the building and by the edge of the pathway.
While the outline drawing is complete, I am still not entirely happy with it and I will give it some "mantle time" while I decide what other changes are needed.