We started by using a mixture of French ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, and white a put a few sky "holes" into the background trees on the left side of the painting.
More dark and mid tone greens were added into the background, being sure to leave some of the reds and yellows showing through as though sunlit. A few dark branches and trunks were added to the background followed by some greyed poplar and birch trunks.
Various mixes of French ultramarine blue, cerulean blue and white was used to put in the shadows on the background snow. Adding a touch of alizarin crimson to warm the shadows were put around the main cedar.

A dark mixture of blue and burnt sienna was used to paint the main cedar branches. A little raw sienna was placed among the background foliage against the large cedar trunk.
Various mixtures of light to dark greens were put into the right side on top of the snow bank being careful to allow some of the red and yellows from the under paint to show through. Then with a blue grey mixture a few birches were put into the foreground.
This is the second of three paintings that will be donated to the Canvas Confidential fund raiser for the Lindsay Gallery.