I then returned to Peterborough and picked up my painting at the Canadian Canoe Museum from the Peterborough in Portrait: Our Inclusive Community exhibit and fortunately I had an extra box as they threw the out.
Windmill 1

Since the sun was coming up as I went past a farm that had a windmill silhouetted against the sky, I had to turn around and go back to do a quick sketch of the windmill standing alone in the field which, at a later date I make into a painting.
Windmill 2

Once again I stopped and did another sketch of that windmill and took a number of photographs before continuing on my way.
On my way to Peterborough I came across a third windmill and did another sketch.
Windmill 3
Perhaps I will use these sketches to create the four seasons with windmills, or various times of day, who knows what I will do, but at least I will have captured a part of the past that is rapidly disappearing.