Saturday, March 25, 2017

Coon Lake I and II - Two Works in Progress

Today I pulled out these two sketches of Coon Lake that I did a few years ago (see post on 29 July 2014).

I started with the first sketch and working from the background forward I put in the horizon line and added a few details to the cottage at the far side of the lake.

Next, I put the bark on the tree trunks and added the needles onto the branches of the one living tree.

Coon Lake I

From there I added more details onto the rocks and gave more shape to the reeds in the foreground.

Once again starting from the back and working forward I put in the horizon line first and indicated the heights of the trees on the distant shore.

Coon Lake II

Next, I added more details to the rocks and trees in the middle area, followed by doing the same to the foreground trees, rocks and growies.

I will post each of these drawings at a later date as more work on them is completed.