First the entire canvas is covered with a background colour in this case raw sienna and set aside to dry.

Using cadmium red the darkest areas are indicated as well as the different shorelines, the heights of the background trees, reflections and any major trees.
Using a mixture of French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna with a touch of alizarin crimson the darkest areas are painted in first and while the paint is still wet cadmium yellow is added to the dark mixture to give a warm dark green.

This is used for the greens foliage in the shadowed area and more yellow is then added for the mid tone greens.
Using almost pure cadmium yellow with just a touch of the mid tone green the lighter tree branches are painted.

The sky is indicated using Titanium white with just a touch of cadmium yellow to give it a little warmth. Small areas of sky are scattered through the upper branches of the trees.
I will post the next stages of this painting at a later date.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork.