I made a few changes; since I already had some reference sketches and photographs of the old enamel water pitchers they have at the church for holding flower arrangements.
Once again I drew in the pitcher and where I wanted the daises I made small circles to keep those areas white.

A pale wash of shadow mixture was applied over the tablecloth and used to give shape to the pitcher.
With French ultramarine blue and a little raw sienna the green of the foliage was applied and the petals of the daisies were painted in the negative.
Using raw sienna the centers of the daisies were painted. While they were still a little wet using pure burnt sienna the shadows were added, as well as the rust spots on the enamel of the pitcher.
The shadows on the daisies were put in with a pale wash of blue, then alizarin crimson was added and a darker shadow was put at the base of the pitcher.
Burnt sienna was added to the shadow mixture to make it darker and the handle and edge at the top of the pitcher were added.
This original 5" x 7" framed watercolour is available for $95.00.