It was an unexpected and very pleasant surprise.

I came across a number of small frames in a box that I had purchased a couple of years ago.
I thought it was about time I put paintings into them, especially since I had some small pieces of paper that would fit into the frames perfectly.
I started by putting in a sky into the top of the paper with Antwerp blue.
Next using alizarin crimson, burnt sienna, French ultramarine blue I painted in the area where the rocks would be placed.

I splattered a mix of raw sienna and Antwerp blue into the white area above the rocks.
Lastly, I scraped out the splash from the waves below the rocks.
If you would like more information about ACEO please go to my post on 11 March 2010.
The ACEO shown here is an original watercolour painting using Artist quality Winsor & Newton paint on 140lb. Arches 100% rag, acid free watercolour paper. It is priced at $25.00 and sold framed.