After supper he got himself ready for bed and we settled down on the couch to draw until his dad came from work to put him to bed.
Aaron asked if I would draw a dragon for him to put on his wall. So I asked him what kind of dragon he wanted an he and he told me it had to have horns, big green eyes, long claws on its feet, a long tail and its scales had to be blue.
Once he approved of the drawing, I started to colour in the horns, while Aaron picked out the colour for the dragon's eyes.
Next he gave me a pink pencil to do her nostrils, and he gave me a dark brown pencil for the claws.
Lastly, he picked out the blue for the dragon's body and I started colouring in the dragon's body when his dad came home.
I offered to finish colouring the dragon before I left to go home, but he insisted on taking it to his room with him and put it by his bed.