Instead I wanted to work on a few of the sketches I did earlier this year when we went on the Stoney Lake Boat Cruise (see post on 29 August 2015) and develop them into a couple of paintings.

Sailboat 4
The sketches of Sailboat 3 and Sailboat 4 were fairly small and I decided to put both of them on the same piece of watercolour paper.
After transferring the sketches onto watercolor paper I thought that I could reverse the direction of the two boats and change their positions on another piece of watercolour paper and do a second painting.

It didn't take very long to rework the sketch and transfer it to another piece of watercolour paper the same size as the first one.
Using a liquid masking compound I painted the boats on both paintings to protect them when I painted the background and keep the sails white.

Sailboat 3
These two paintings should be interesting to do and I will post both of these paintings once they have been completed.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.