The first area we were shown was a 12-1/2' (3.8m) wall in the hallway leading to the dining rooms. Then we were shown the Club Room which is a large 20' x 30' (6m x 9m) room with plenty of space for paintings.
After talking with the owners Brigitte and Peter Brugger we decided that the first group of artists going in to exhibit their art work would set up the placement for the paintings and that way no damage would be done to the walls with future shows by changing the nails around.
When I returned home I wanted to do a little painting and I picked this one that I had been working on earlier this year (see posts on 15 September and 10 October 2016).

I started by mixing French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna together for a grey colour and used it to paint in the maple tree trunks and branches. I also used some of the darker mix on the base of some of the rocks, in the shadowed areas, putting in the bridge and into the water for the rock reflections.
With various mixes of raw sienna, burnt sienna, alizarin crimson, cadmium red, cadmium yellow and new gamboge the leaves were put on the trees and bushes with a sponge.
While these areas were drying I used mixes of alizarin crimson and burnt sienna to paint in the main color of the rocks.
Using pure raw sienna and pure burnt sienna grasses and growies were painted into the land above the rocks.
Lastly to complete the painting, I put in a small figure walking across the bridge wearing a jacket of cadmium red.
If you would like more information about ACEO please go to my post on 11 March 2010.
The ACEO shown here is an original watercolour painting using Artist quality Winsor & Newton paint on 300lb. Arches 100% rag, acid free watercolour paper. It is priced at $20.00 and sold unframed.