It is early morning with the rosy tint of dawn causing the trees to cast long shadows over the snow. The large white pines like sentinels clothed in green needles stand bravely, sometimes bent but not broken against the elements of Winter.

I have just received confirmation that both paintings, Aurora Borealis (see post on 04 April 2010) and Pristine Beauty (see post on 13 June 2010) I submitted to The Lindsay Gallery for their Annual Juried Show of Fine Arts/Visual Arts have been accepted and my painting Aurora Borealis received an Honourable Mention Award.
The juror was Susan Holland, Curator of The John M. Parrott Art Gallery, Belleville, Ontario.
The Opening Reception is on Thursday, 08 July from 7-8:30pm. The exhibition runs from 02-30 July 2010.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.