I started by lightly sketching in a large semi abstract flower at the bottom of the paper.
From there, I added another flower toward the top of the paper on the left side and behind the first flower. This was followed by putting a bud to the right of the flower and having it go off the paper.
Using Cobalt blue at the top of the paper I painted in the sky. This was followed by adding touches of the blue on the right side of the bud.
Using alizarin crimson with a small amount of to the blue I painted in some areas of the petals.
Adding varying amounts of Cobalt blue and alizarin crimson together I indicated the edges of petals and the shadows while leaving areas of the white paper without paint for the highlights.
Using various mixtures of Cobalt blue, French ultramarine blue, raw sienna, new gamboge and aureolin I painted in the various the various leaves and stems.
Lastly, with burnt sienna and raw sienna I put in the stamens on the larger flower at the bottom of the painting.
This original 11" x 15" watercolour painting once it has been framed, will be available for $295.00.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork.