This painting was done in a similar manner and using the same colours as a couple of paintings I did with him and a small group of artists that meet on Monday mornings at KAGS (see postings on 04 and 08 February 2013).

Aureolin was used as the base colour of the sky and a pale wash was put into some areas of the snow leaving other sections of the snow the white of the paper.
Alizarin crimson was then brushed into areas of the wet aureolin paint creating the orange tones so often seen in sunsets. Towards the top of the painting a more alizarin crimson wash brushed into the sky.

Antwerp blue was then brushed into the top of the sky and over some areas of the alizarin crimson and it was set aside to dry while I decide what I would like to do with the foreground.
I will post this painting at a later date once it has been completed.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and look at the artwork. I hope you will return often.