When the sketch gets too messy I use another piece of tracing paper, take the "good" lines and continue working on the drawing.
The major shapes of the head are indicated first as basic shapes. I prefer to use triangles, squares and rectangles and round the corners off rather than use circles and join the pieces with lines. Each person needs to find which way works best for them.
Then angles are lightly blocked in to give a three dimensional effect which also makes both sides of the head balance in perspective. That way one eye doesn't end up higher than the other or the nose isn't quite where it should be.

From there the drawing is gradually refined to show the folds on the ears, the roundness on the top of the skull, the sharp plane on the top of the cheeks and the curve at the bottom. Details are added to the nose and eyes being very sure that they are in the correct place and at the proper angle.
Once I am reasonably happy with the outline sketch it is time to work on the final drawing which will be transferred to the acid free drawing paper.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.