This original 11" x 15" framed watercolour, was purchased by new collector Ms. Denise Figueiro of Brooklin, Ontario. Thank you.
Thank you to Ms. Stephanie Shorter of Toronto, Ontario. on her purchase of Frozen Land.

Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Quinn and Lianna Chu-Liddicoat of Toronto, Ontario. I hope you both enjoy Hung Up and Hello Dolly for the nursery of the soon to arrive baby.
With the Buckhorn Community Care having their annual summer yard sale on the front lawn of St. Matthew's Church a large crowd also attended our show as well.
A total of ten paintings were purchased from Bonnie Windover, Susan Sydney, Irene Smith, Diane Collins, Rebecca Bilcox, Lorraine Ryan and Helen Sheppard; with many small items from JoAnne Connell Northey, Barbara McGregor, Heather Grant, Irene Smith, Diane Collins, and Penny Little.
The hours for our show are:
14 Aug 10 - 9:00am - 5:00pm
15 Aug - 12:00pm - 5:00pm