Today I painted with the Buckhorn Tuesday Painting Group and decided I would like to get a little more work done on these three paintings that I had started last year (see posts on 20 and 31 October and 23 December 2015).

Although they had worked on the heating system at the church and taped up the gas leak until the parts for the repairs arrived and the work could be completed, you could still detect a slight gas odour and we kept the windows open. Needless to say, I didn't stay very long.
I worked back and forth on all three of the paintings.
Toadstool 1
I wanted to get the background completed so I could work on the toadstools next.

Using Antwerp blue with a small amount of French ultramarine blue added, I washed in the sky on the first painting then set it aside to dry.
Using the same colour for the first sky I repeated this for the second and third paintings.
By the time I was ready to work on the first one again it was dry and I didn't have to wait.
Toadstool 2
With a mix of burnt sienna and French ultramarine blue I indicated the background tree trunks in the paintings.

With various mixtures of the sky colour with raw sienna, burnt sienna, alizarin crimson, aureolin and new gamboge I added the leaves onto the trees, being sure to leave some of the sky colour showing through the leaves.
With French ultramarine blue and a mix of raw sienna and aureolin I put in the background grass.
Toadstool 3
I will post each of these paintings once the friskit is removed and the toadstools are painted.