We had five different types of wine glasses, a couple of smaller cut crystal glasses, two long stemmed tulip glasses, one of which was tinted blue and a tall Champagne flute.
Ginger ale was put into a couple of the glasses to imitate sparkling wine.
There were two bottles of Vidal Icewine one from Jackson-Triggs and the other from Reif Estate Winery to complete the wine display.
The last grouping features beer.
The beer mug was filled part way with a cola to imitate beer, but of course it was not the right colour.
There was an O'Keefe's beer chalice and an Old Vienna stange glass.

There was a bottle of Budweiser and another of Barking Squirrel set in behind one of the glasses and at the base of the beer bottles there was a lemon and a lime to add colour to the display.
I will post each of these two drawings at a later date as more work on them is completed.
Thank you for looking at my artwork.