I started with pure raw sienna streaked in the sky with curved diagonal strokes leaving some areas white.
While the paper was still wet I brushed in the water with horizontal strokes leaving a few areas white.

Next I brushed a little pure burnt sienna into the sky and water.
I added French ultramarine blue to the burnt sienna for a dark grey mixture and painted in the distant islands and leaving a small space put in the reflections.
With a dark mixture of French ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and a small amount of alizarin crimson I started painting the main pine tree and indicated the trunks on the three larger trees.
With the same mixture I started painting in the rocks adding a little water in some areas to give it a mottled effect.
Lastly, I put in a few reflections of the rocks into the water.
Cindy and Norma each completed their paintings within the time allowed for a class, so we are good to go with the class.
I will post this painting at a later date once it has been completed.