I found a face by one of the flowers and lightly drew it in and started to add some definition to the flowers which will be petunias.
I started with the hair on the fairy and put it in using raw sienna and for the darker areas I used burnt sienna.

The face was a mix of burnt sienna and alizarin crimson. The eyes were Antwerp blue and the lips alizarin crimson.
I then started working on the flowers. I made various shades of mauve and violet, using mixtures of alizarin crimson, Antwerp blue and French ultramarine blue.
First I put in the darkest veins on the petals to give the flowers some shape.

Working every other flower so that the paint could dry before working on the one right beside it I used either mauve or violet to paint the petunias.
Next I drew in a few leaves and filled them in using various combinations of raw sienna, new gamboge, Antwerp blue and French ultramarine blue.
Lastly, I did a little more work on the fairy's face to complete the painting.

If you would like more information about ACEO please go to my post on 11 March 2010.
The ACEO shown here is an original watercolour painting using Artist quality Winsor & Newton paint on 300lb. Arches 100% rag, acid free watercolour paper. It is priced at $20.00 and sold unframed.