I wanted to have the silvery white trunk of a dead pine silhouetted against a stormy sky, but I also wanted to have a lake with a rocky shore and reflections in the water, as well as the yellowed grasses that are so common at the end of the summer.
I am pleased with the way everything went together in this tall format.

Today is also a fairly busy day for me in that I have demonstrated again at the Norwood 2nd Annual Art Show and Sale at the Norwood Legion Hall - Branch 300, Corner of Alma and King Street, Norwood, Ontario.
The show runs from the 22-26 June and is open daily from 2-5pm.
Then went to get my paintings from the "Spring into Summer" show at the KAGS and was informed that I had sold a painting just prior to the closing of the show.
I would like to thank new collector Ms. Angela Ross of Norwood, Ontario on her purchase of Day's End (see post on 01 June 2010).