I did a little more work on each of these two sketches that I had started last month when we were out on Lovesick Lake in the canoe.
For the sketch of the pine tree I added more details to the branches and areas of the needles.
Then I added in the dead cedar to the right of the pine tree and added the large rock.
Lovesick Lake VI - Beaver Island Pine I
Since I wasn't in the mood to start using pen and ink on this sketch I started working on the second sketch which was on the opposite side of the inlet.

I will probably end up doing a larger colour painting at a later date as the contrast between the sunlit cedar trees and the dark background of trees behind it will create a lot of interest.
Lovesick Lake VII - Richards Island Cedar I
I will post each of these sketches at a later date once I have applied the ink to them and am pleased with the way they look.