I thought instead of working outside in the garden that I would take my paints and find a place by one of the lakes and paint.
Since I didn't want to travel very far, I went up Highway 28 until I came to the Trent-Severn Waterway Lock 28 - Burleigh Falls. I parked the car in the lot and took my art supplies and chair and set myself up along the far end of the concrete edge of the boat launch out of the way of people using the launch.
I could look out across Lovesick Lake and see the Buckhorn shoreline to my right and Ruba Island across the channel on the left.

I lightly indicated the horizon line and the land on each side of the channel with a pencil. It was at this point that I decided I would make it an evening scene.
I wet the paper thoroughly, then washed in the sky and the water and using mixtures of burnt sienna, raw sienna and alizarin crimson. While the paper was still damp, I added French ultramodern blue to the sky colours and put in the evening clouds into the sky and their reflections into the water.
It didn't take long for the paper to dry completely and I mixed burnt sienna with a little bit of the blue and painted in Ruba Island on the left side and the reflections into the water below the rocky shoreline.
This was followed by painting the closer shore using a darker mixture of the same two colours and adding more details to the trees, rocky shoreline and into the reflections on the lake.
This original 11" x 15" watercolour painting when framed will be available for $295.00. SOLD