Monday, February 26, 2018

Mornings - Two Works in Progress

After returning from the Executive meeting at KAGS I wanted to do some work on a painting and I pulled out these two drawings and wanted to at least put in the skies.

The first one (see post on 13 September 2015) already had some colour in the sky and I wanted to darken it slightly.

In the bottom of the sky I washed in aureolin, then added alizarin crimson and put in the centre of the sky and into the water.

Lastly, I added more red and put it into the top of the sky and into the water.

River Morning 1

I set this painting aside to dry and picked another drawing to put in the sky and reflections using the same colours.

For the next piece that started a long time ago (see post on 10 September 2014) I wet the paper and started with aureolin in the bottom of the sky and in the water nearest to the shoreline.

I added alizarin crimson and brushed in the middle of the sky and the water.

Adding more red I finished the sky and water.

Peaceful Morning 1

I will post each of these paintings at a later date as more work on them is completed.