First, we walked down the path and along the edge of the lake, which as this time of the morning was like a mirror, reflecting back the images of the islands into the water.
After breakfast, we took the car to find the boat launch first and then decided that we would explore where the different roadways led throughout the various campsites.

White Lake I
We returned to the trailer to have lunch and afterward I got my camera, pencils and sketchbook together and we went back to the boat launch to go out on the lake.
Once on the lake we paddled along the shore toward where we had seen a large inlet with with reeds bull rushes and lily pads, which looked like a good place for fish.

White Lake II
While Ron fished, I started work on my first sketch which had a spit with spruce trees, coming out into the lake beside a pathway going through the reeds.
After about and hour, we moved along the reed bed toward another section of land with coniferous and deciduous trees.

White Lake III
A while later, we rounded the point and saw a couple of islands and the far shore of the lake.
I worked on that sketch until my knee started hurting, at which point I slowly started paddling back in the direction we came from letting Ron continue to fish.

While I made supper, Ron took the dog out for a walk. When he returned, he filled the fire pit with wood so we could enjoy a fire while relaxing after our meal, with a beverage.
After everything was tidied up in the trailer, we started the fire and enjoyed the evening.
We stayed up until the fire was out and then headed off to bed.
We would decide in the morning what we would do, depending on the weather.