The first one I pulled out was called Grey Sky H (see post on 18 July 2013) to be my spring painting.

Spring Forest 3
I drew in a large tree for the foreground and indicated the horizon line where the background trees will be painted.
The next painting was called Blue Sky A (see post on 07 July 2012) which would become my summer painting.

Summer Forest 3
I pulled out this paintings that I had started last year (see post on 18 July 2013), at which time it was called it Blue Sky F.

Autumn Forest 3
I drew in a main tree and a couple of slightly smaller trees to create interest and lightly indicated a few of the smaller background trees.
The last painting was called Grey Sky J (see post on 18 July 2013) and would become my winter painting.

Winter Forest 3
I drew in a large tree for the foreground and put in the horizon line where the background trees will be painted. I may also add a few more closer trees once the snow has been painted.
I will post each of these paintings at a later date once more work on them has been completed.