This piece I had started a couple of years ago seemed ideal (see post on 10 April 2016).
Using French ultramarine blue mixed with Antwerp blue I brushed in the sky leaving some white areas for clouds and then darkened the blue with a little more ultramarine to put in the water.

First I put in the trees on the shoreline.
I darkened the greens slightly and did the under painting for the needles on the pine tree.
I mixed a dark for the tree trunk by adding burnt sienna to the green.
Next I added some alizarin crimson to the trunk colour and put in the rocks at the base of the pine tree. While the paint was still wet I dropped in a small amount of Antwerp blue to add some mottling to the rock.
I will post this piece at a later date once it has been completed.
Thank you for coming to look at my artwork.