I wanted to at least get the background in on all four of the paintings.
For this one I wanted to make it an early autumn scene when the leaves have just started to change, with the promise of autumn colours.
Rainy Day 4
Using various mixes of French ultramarine blue, raw sienna, alizarin crimson and Antwerp blue to create the background trees and field.
I put in the under paint on the tree trunks using French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna and washed in raw sienna in a couple of places on the trunk.

I used Antwerp blue as the base with aureolin and new gamboge to make a wide range of bright greens.
The background fence was a mix of burnt sienna and French ultramarine blue.
Rainy Day 2
The first tree I made into a birch using the dark colour from the fence and adding some burnt sienna in areas and raw sienna to give the tree marking some colour.
For the two remaining trees I have to decide if I want them as birches or another type of deciduous tree.

I was debating what kind of background to put behind the tree and thought about a dead tree on Highway 507 that is in a field at the edge of a large area of ground water that doesn't dry up even in a drought.
Rainy Day 3
But then I had friends drop by and I put my paints away.
I will post each of these paintings at a later date as they are completed.