With having had a meeting last month about how we would set up the display it didn't take long to bring in everything we needed.

The display case is 120' (936.6m) long and 4' (1.2m) wide. We rearranged the shelves first and then set up the two largest paintings and the KAGS banner.
From there we started working from the right side of the case to the left, beginning at the bottom.

We put one of Norma's oil paintings toward the back and placed a couple of canvases in front of it, then her paint box beside them followed by my wooden case of Prisma pencils with a couple of water colour sketches and a small block of watercolour paper.
To complete the right side we added a small painting to the shelf, a container with a set of small watercolour brushes, bottles of varnish and paint thinners, a couple of tins with watercolour pencils, a wooden box with various sponges, rulers, pencils and other basic tools.

Lastly we added the poster for the upcoming Elements of Nature Art Show which opens this Sunday 15 November 2015.
Now it was time to complete the left side of the display.

We started by putting two posters with information about KAGS, its beginnings and what its mandate is, complete with a map and all the ways of contacting us.
On the bottom shelf we continued with more art supplies and paintings including another container of brushes, a painter's apron and a water bowl; followed by my wooden case of pastels with pen and ink supplies and some scratch board tools on the lid.

This was finished with a couple of blank canvases and a small painting on an easel.
On the shelf we set up two easels one with a partially completed watercolour painting and the other with a small oil painting. Next to this was another collection of brushes, more little boxes of pastels, drafting tools, and a couple of metal boxes of water soluble pencils and a photograph on stretched canvas.

Lastly we scattered a few small arrangements of silk autumn leaves throughout the display and tossed some individual leaves randomly among the art supplies.
The total time to set up the display took us just over an hour and next week when we return to take the display down it will probably take about half that amount of time.