Spring and autumn are seasons of wide ranges of temperatures and drastic changes to the landscape.

Spring is a time of rebirth and new beginnings like the dawn of each day. The gradually warming weather melts the snow and brings forth new leaves and flowers.
Autumn is a time of gathering as animals prepare for the coming of winter and the long sleep for those that hibernate.

The frost causes the leaves to change from lush green to the brilliant golds, reds and oranges in a final show of defiance before they fall to the ground in their final resting place.
A Touch of Colour
If you would like more information about OSWOA please go to my post on 12 March 2010.
The OSWOA shown here are all original watercolour paintings using Artist quality Winsor & Newton paint on 300lb. Arches 100% rag, acid free watercolour paper. They are priced at $40.00 each and sold unframed.