I wanted to do a little more work on this painting that I had started a number of years ago (see posts on 08 August 2012 and 20 July 2013) as it is fairly small and I can stop working on it at anytime.
I decided that my light source would come from the upper left corner.
After making various browns and greys by using combinations of French ultramarine blue, Cobalt blue, burnt sienna and raw sienna, it was time to start painting the bark and woodgrain on the logs.
Starting with the closest log, which was in the shadows, I used the darker mixtures and was careful to leave a few bits of white paper as highlights touched by the sun.
Next, I put in the one behind it to the right and having it slightly lighter in colour.
From there I added some of the darker textures on all of the remaining logs first and I gradually worked toward the lighter colours.
I still have a lot more to do on the logs and I have to decide what kind of fish or if I am going to have more than one and where to place them.
I will post this painting at a later date once the logs are completed.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and enjoy the artwork.