We arrived at the Evinrude Centre in the morning and it didn't take very long to unload and set up the grids.
Once everything was securely in place the artists picked out where they wanted to hang their paintings.

I shared space with two different artists who didn't have enough paintings to fill their spots.
Once we everything was hung we decided to bring in some lights.
Since I was one of the sitters for tonight's 5-9 p.m. shift I would bring in lights, light bars and extension cords and the other two sitters would bring in their lights.

It wasn't long before people started to arrive to look at the various displays throughout the building and come into the conference room to have something to eat and view our show.
Many of the people we spoke with came out tonight in the rain and hoped to return home before the temperature dropped and changed to freezing rain for the overnight.

Three paintings were sold by Diane Collins and Susan Sydney.
I would like to thank new collector Mrs. Valerie Senior of Peterborough, Ontario on her purchase of Water Jug II (see post on 16 September 2012).