In the old family albums I have photographs from the 1930's and 1940's of my father when he used to ski jump in Trois-Rivières, Québec; where in 1941 he was the Québec Provincial Champion. I have used some of these photographs as reference material for some of the sketches.

It is amazing how much the equipment has changed since that time, becoming wider and lighter more aerodynamic to sustain the flight time. The clothing from sweaters and pants to the streamlined one piece suits of today.
The style while the skiers are in flight after leaving the ramp has changed as well, from having the arms straight out front to being held behind for a more streamlined profile.
I think they will make a nice grouping with this 7-1/2" x 11” watercolour of a downhill skier as he plunges down and almost vertical slope, pushing it to the limit as his speed increases.
This original, framed painting is available for $250.00.
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