Since both the Outdoor Painters' Group and the Buckhorn Artists' Group will be applying to Algonquin Park to exhibit in the Visitor's Centre for next year I decided that in case we are accepted that I should work on some of the paintings I have started that would be suitable to exhibit there.

I am at the point on this painting where the time consuming part of putting in the cast shadows, applying the layers of wash over the branches and the details of the wood grain on the tree stump (see post on 08 July 2010) need to be completed.
I have darkened down the bottom edge of the trunk and on the upper branch to create the illusion of roundness as well as the curved shadow cast by the main trunk.
Some of the small wood grain details have been added but there is a lot more to do and I will post this painting at a later date once more is completed.
Thank you for looking at my artwork.