For the first painting I put a line of new gamboge with a touch of alizarin crimson along the horizon line.
I added a little more alizarin crimson and put it in above the new gamboge and blended it up into the sky.
It was also added just below the horizon line and then a little more alizarin crimson was added to the mixture and put in below.

Next I used French ultramarine blue and put into the sky and then I mixed it with the alizarin crimson and painted it into the bottom area of the lake and created a few waves through the orange colour.
I changed the name of this painting from Lake 1 to Rainbow Sky 1 and then decided that I would make all these paintings into sunset scenes.
For my next painting I used new gamboge and put a line across the paper just below the center of the sky.

Next I added some alizarin crimson to the yellow and painted in the lower part of the sky just above the water. To the orange I added water to lighten the colour and painted in the top portion of the sky.
Then I mixed a dark of French ultramarine blue burnt sienna and alizarin crimson for the clouds and before I could apply the paint the phone rang.
After the call I once again had to rewet the sky in order to put in the clouds and finish the sky. I decided to call this painting Evening Lighthouse 1 instead of Lake 2.

For this painting since I had all the colours I needed mixed, I started with the new gamboge and washed it into the top of the sky, followed with the orange mix and then the alizarin crimson into the bottom of the sky. Into the top of the sky I put in the clouds with the burnt sienna mixture and with the mauve mixture I added some more clouds into the area just above the water.
I changed the name of this painting from Lake 3 to Beach Sunset 1 and decided that I would stop painting for the day before the phone rings again.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and enjoy the artwork. I hope you will return to see how these paintings look when they are completed.