I wanted to do more work on this painting that I have been working on for a while (see posts on 09 May, 18 July and 02 August 2016).
I used a mixture of French ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and alizarin crimson and painted the shadowed area beneath the table and to the end of the wooden panel with vertical strokes varying the lightness and darkness so it was not one solid mass.

Adding more water to the mixture to lighten the colour slightly, the shadow colour was painted in from the right side to the left side of the painting as far as the last quarter of the collection plate for the shadows cast on the wooden panels on the wall.
More water was added to the shadow colour and the last panels on the left side were painted in, varying the colours on the wood.
I removed the masking fluid from the cloth in the tray, from the bottom of the decanters and the goblet.

A dark mix of French ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and alizarin crimson was used to paint in the shadows on each side of the raised panels and along the top and bottom edges of the boards on the wall.
Using the same dark colour I painted in the wood grain patterns on the horizontal boards.
Then I indicated the wood grain into the shadowed area below the table.

Still using the same dark mix of paint I started adding the more detailed wood grain patterns into the shadowed area of the background.
Once that was done I started adding the wood grain patterns into the sunlit side of the panels but ran out of time before I could get it complete.
I will post this painting at a later date once I have finished putting the wood grain on all the panels.