I woke up to the sound of ice pellets hitting my window and the sound of the wind whistling. As I tried to look out the window it was coated in ice, so we did receive the freezing rain overnight that we were told to expect.
Since the winter storm would continue all day and into tomorrow, I wanted to finish this drawing that I had started many years ago (see posts on 29 July 2014, 20 July 2016, 31 August and 22 October 2017 and 23 March 2018) while canoeing on Coon Lake.

When I finished the rocks I took a break and watched The Weather Network. The weather report was not very nice for the weekend; with the temperature hovering around the freezing mark and the wind chill making it feel like 14F (-10C).
It seems that we will be alternating between periods of rain, freezing rain, ice pellets, snow and as the temperature drops later in the day to alternate from ice pellets, freezing rain, ice pellets and snow.
I returned to my drawing and I wanted to finish the dead maple tree growing up from in between the rocks.
Next I added a few more ripples in the water below the rocks as well as a few at the edge of the lake in the distance.
This original 9" x 12" pen and ink drawing when matted and shrink wrapped will be available for $95.00.